Product Spotlight: Jasmine

Product Spotlight: Jasmine

Oct 16th 2023

Posted by Dr. Christoph Streicher and Chase F.

The word Jasmine comes from an ancient word, modernly denoted as “Yasmin.” Stemming both from Arabic and Persian languages, the meaning of this word can be interpreted as either “sweet-smelling flower” or “Gift from God.” Either one of those interpretations makes absolutely perfect sense when describing the attributes of the Jasmine flower. In the Kama Sutra, Jasmine is credited with divine aphrodisiacal properties while the Koran states that “there is no oil more beneficial for the body than oil of Jasmine.”*

This mystical plant was cherished and traded between so many ancient cultures that it probably preceded the ancient Silk Road trade route, and perhaps even helped to create it. It seems that every culture that was ever introduced to the Jasmine flower became enamored with it, inevitably associating it with their most important gods, royalty, or other revered entities. This is indicative of the spiritual nature of Jasmine. Its evocative essence brings people together, uniting them in a sense of euphoria, divinity, love, and mutual understanding.* This article will focus on a very unique species of this very special flower: Jasmine Grandiflorum.

What is Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil? How does it differ from an “extract” or “absolute?”

Jasminum grandiflorum is one of over 200 species of Jasmine. Adapted to comparatively milder climates than other Jasmine varieties, Grandiflorum maintains a gentle, yet potent profile that is uniquely provocative. It is one of the most coveted scents in all of perfumery, second to Rose — remember if Rose is the Queen in aromatherapy, then Jasmine is the King of aromas Through a painstakingly tedious process, its flowers are individually plucked by the thousands to harvest precious, small amounts of Jasmine Oil.

The delicate nature of the Jasmine Grandiflorum flower makes it unable to withstand the pressure of traditional steam distillation. Therefore, most Jasmine “oils” should technically be classified as “extracts” or “absolutes” due to the fact that solvents are used to obtain them. However, Amrita Aromatherapy has found a source that gently coaxes the essential oil from delicate Jasmine Grandiflorum flower petals similar to an enfleurage.

Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations — Amrita’s Jasmine Organic Essential Oil is simply the best of the best! Jasmine is one of the most revered flowers on God’s green earth, and the purest possible quality of its essential oil. This is your opportunity to treat yourself to one of the few organic sources of this enfleurage, sustainably obtained from Egypt where Jasmine flowers have been beloved for thousands of years.

Click here for Jasmine

Why should you use Jasmine Oil? What are the therapeutic benefits of using Jasmine Oil?

The enticing aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil is legendary for its uplifting effects on the mind, heart, and spirit.* It can soothe anxious nerves, while simultaneously providing a boost for those wishing to hoist themselves out of depression.* Also widely regarded as an aphrodisiac, Jasmine Grandiflorum helps to release inhibitions and liberate the imagination.* This makes it quite effective for releasing the full potential of both male and female energies — being extremely helpful with any sexual dysfunction.*

The effects of Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil on the female reproductive system are quite profound.* Midwives, Doulas, and other facilitators of the childbirth process understand that rubbing a massage blend using Jasmine Oil on the abdomen and lower back during the early stages of labor can significantly reduce labor pains, strengthen contractions, and deter cramping.* Additionally, it is known to help regulate hormones, alleviate menstrual cramps, stimulate the flow of breastmilk, and act as a uterine tonic.*

Jasmine Grandiflorum is quite reputable for its benefits to the skin as well.* Known to promote radiant, glowing skin, it can also help soothe areas of dryness, redness, and irritation.* Because it is non-toxic, non-sensitizing, and non-phototoxic, Jasmine Organic Essential Oil finds itself to be one of the most popular choices for natural skincare.* This, along with its amazing aroma, is also why it is such an obvious choice as an ingredient in perfumery all over the world.

Click here to shop Jasmine

How would you use Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil? Here are ways to add it to your daily routine!

Along with the list of therapeutic benefits associated with Jasmine Grandiflorum Organic Essential Oil comes a number of application methods for maximizing your desired results. Apply topically via whole body massage, aromatic bath, or by focusing on specific areas to maximize Jasmine Oil’s effects on areas of concern.* Specific examples include massaging onto the lower back and abdomen in order to soothe labor pains and strengthen contractions or applying to the chest in order to encourage the flow of breastmilk.* Meanwhile, more widespread applications such as aromatic bath or full body massage can accentuate its benefits to the skin and nervous system.* And of course, another favorite way of enjoying the pitch-perfect aromatic essence of Jasmine Grandiflorum and its soothing effects on the mind, heart, and spirit is through diffusion and inhalation.*

  • Overall Topical Application: 3-5% Dilution
    • To focus on specific areas of need such as headaches, menstrual cramps, labor pains, etc., dilute up to 3-5% Jasmine Essential Oil into Jojoba or Hazelnut Carrier Oil (no more than 15-25 drops of Jasmine per tablespoon of carrier oil) and apply to the skin.* This method can also be used to take its uplifting effects to the nervous system with you wherever you go.* Simply create the proper dilution with your preferred carrier oil, apply it to the chest, and enjoy the essence for hours on end.*
  • Whole-Body Massage: up to 2% Dilution
    • A second topical option is to apply a slightly lower concentration of Jasmine Essential Oil to the entire body along with a soothing massage.* This is a great way to experience the same delightful effects which would be obtained from other topical application methods, but for broader, less localized target symptoms.* For a whole-body massage oil containing Jasmine Grandiflorum, dilute up to 2% with Jojoba or Hazelnut Carrier Oil (no more than 10 drops of Jasmine per tablespoon of carrier oil). While this method can be particularly beneficial to the skin, it also can help deter cramps and soreness while also soothing the nervous system.*
  • Aromatic Bath: up to 2% Dilution
    • It should come as no surprise that the intoxicating aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil can be seamlessly incorporated into an aromatic bath. Simply dilute up to 2% Jasmine Oil (no more than 10 drops per ounce of bath salts or bath milk) before adding to a full, warm tub of water. This method of topical application quite nicely balances the mental and physical benefits offered by Jasmine Grandiflorum.* Great for the skin, as well as for the mind, heart, and spirit, everyone deserves to treat themselves to this soothing combination at least once, if not on a regular basis.*
  • Diffusion / Inhalation: Add a few drops to a Nebulizer or Nasal Inhaler
    • To maximize the effects of Jasmine Grandiflorum Essential Oil to the nervous system, diffusion and/or inhalation is the most potent method of application.* By adding a few drops to a nebulizer or nasal inhaler, you can directly take in its aromatic essence. This will leave you with virtually no other choice but to feel a sense of euphoric optimism.* Inhibitions and anxieties will evaporate into the ether, and many will note an aphrodisiacal effect from the mystical aromatic essence, which has been considered a “gift from the gods” since ancient times.* On its own, or blended with other essential oils, its divine aroma is universally beloved.*

What would blend well with Jasmine Grandiflorum?

Here are a few DIY recipes for you to try in your nebulizer:


Final Thoughts from the Amrita Team…

The essence of Jasmine Grandiflorum is so unique and special that it’s difficult to put into words. It would be downright foolish to simply take this blog’s word for it without actually experiencing this one for yourself. And when you do, make sure to try the very best! Jasmine Organic Essential Oil from Amrita is, hands down, the best version you will find anywhere in the marketplace. USDA Certified Organic and sourced from the ancient land of Egypt, the final destination in the long, epic journey of this exquisite product should be right at home in your own aromatherapy routine.

Happy Blending!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.